PHYSICAL on STAGE is an introduction to the use of Physical Theatre techniques focused on performers —both dancers and actors— who aspire to transgress the definition of the conventional performance and get into the field of experimentation.
PHYSICAL on STAGE is an introduction to the use of Physical Theatre techniques focused on performers —both dancers and actors— who aspire to transgress the definition of the conventional performance and get into the field of experimentation.
FICTION is always present in our daily lives. Whether as simple users or because in our professions could become a useful tool or because some of us work directly with it, all of us enjoy it, create it, try to shape it with artistic intention, in some way. Fiction is one of the of most important elements in each and every one of us schedule throughout life. Either in an active or in a passive way, we all are connected with fiction […]
Taller creativo para estimular la imaginación y dar pautas para una posible metodología a todos aquellos que por su trabajo o dedicación están en contacto permanente con la ficción. A través de una serie de ejercicios prácticos y puestas en común grupales nos acercaremos a un sinfín de temas y prácticas relacionadas con…