Physical on Stage International Workshop 2025
[2016 - 2024]


A Workshop by Carlos Rodero
Carlos Rodero Physical Theatre Techniques focused on performers —dancers and choreographers, physical theatre actors and actresses, circus artists— who base their work and education on the body and aspire to transgress the definition of the conventional performance and get into the field of experimentation, combining different scenic languages.
PHYSICAL on STAGE aims to establish the basis for a physical language training understood as the main driving force for the dramaturgy of a postdramatic staging.
It intends to make the performer aware of his role in the creative process of an inclusive performance. To do this, we offer a guide that can help the performer to explore and develop his initiative and creativity and try to motivate him to deepen into his knowledge & experience.
A training based on exercises that generates creative answers from the dancers to concrete scenic issues and explore their skills and limits.
A work that prompts and fosters the needs from the artists and its own world possibilities as well as explores the borders between dance and theatre.
Intend to give extra tools to dancers in order they achieve their own way of understanding how to became a more complete performer.
We include several masterclasses which will support and enrich the main guide lines of the workshop, run by different guest teachers.
Every evening there will be a talk-discussion in a warm cafe on a concret topic related to a non-traditional dramaturgy.
We will ask all participants to prepare an exercise improvisation to be shown the last day of the workshop in an open session at a non-conventional space, with a guest audience. This improvisation will be run in a non-conventional space.
I. Preparing the Body
II. The Performing Body
III. [Un]masking the Body
IV. The Physical Text
V. The Body and the Object
VI. The Physical and the Audience
VII. Time & Space
VIII. Complementary Enriching Tecniques
II. The Performing Body
III. [Un]masking the Body
IV. The Physical Text
V. The Body and the Object
VI. The Physical and the Audience
VII. Time & Space
VIII. Complementary Enriching Tecniques
We will accept students or performers who base and inspire their work in the body, movement or physicality [dancers, physical theatre performers], from any part of the world.
In order to work with a certain detail and deepness the maximum of participants will be 15, accepted by a strict order of registrations.
Schedule | Program [An example]

One week [week 1 or 2]
280 euros
Two weeks [week 1 and 2]
440 euros