PHYSICAL on STAGE is an introduction to the use of Physical Theatre techniques focused on performers —both dancers and actors— who aspire to transgress the definition of the conventional performance and get into the field of experimentation.
We are planning a research through contemporary dance & physical theatre languages in order to achieve a powerful proposal not text-based, although word might come up during the performance. We will build the show in at least three phases […]
Spanish Contemporary Dance Company Otra Danza visits Budapest Otra Danza: Polvo/Dust (ES) Bakelit Multi Art Center, Stúdió 1095 Budapest, Soroksári út 164. Épület MÁJ. 16 | Kedd 20:00 Az Otra Danza az a platform, amely a tánc iránti szenvedélyből született, és azóta is ez az odaadás határozza meg létezését. Direction and Choreography Asun Noales Assistant Carmela García | Kike Guerrero Dancers Saray Huertas | Asun Noales | Salvador Rocher | Sebastian Rowinsky Lightning Design Asun Noales | Richard Cano Photography […]
I assume this day that I was born in a farewell age, that my first steps were the final steps of an outstanding person, that plain things -those plain things- are so necessary… I comprehend spiritual purity lives and breathes and you, my mother, my sister, my daughter, my friend, my lover, my soul mate, you are the PEACE BIRD, Paloma […]