Eight pieces of goldsmith’s work, apparently unconnected to each other, testimonies to what silence and stillness can leave behind, coexist in a volume entitled Fizzles.
An Improvisation Practice Prepare an IMPROVISATION using the following materials as an inspirational starting point. You must choose a TITLE. Then, depending on the discipline, technique or style that you want to explore, you can chose from the other groups. You can combine elements. The length of the improvisation has to be maximum 3 minutes. TITLES A Hole in the Darkness In Spite of Gravity Meaningless Sound of Grass Sin Circular Ruins TEXTS Hotel Waldhaus We had no luck with […]
This project has been possible thanks to the earnings obtained mainly through the crowdfunding campaign that we promoted last summer on the ulule.com platform and other small contributions that have also come out of that campaign and, until the closure of the project, we hope they continue flowing. The amount collected at present day is 2650 euros. That allow us to carry out the work. However, we continue trying to increase this income, especially to improve some technical issues of filming and […]
Este proyecto ha sido posible gracias a la recaudación conseguida principalmente a través de la campaña de crowdfunding que impulsamos el pasado verano en la plataforma ulule.com y a otras pequeñas aportaciones que han ido llegado también fuera de dicha campaña y que, hasta la culminación del proyecto, esperamos sigan afluyendo. La cantidad recaudada a día de hoy asciende a 2650 euros que nos permiten realizar el trabajo. No obstante, seguimos tratando de aumentar esta cifra, sobre todo para mejorar algunas […]
Book middles can be tricky—especially for those of us who aren’t fond of outlining. There you are, in the dead-center of your book, and you feel like you’re not real sure what direction to take next []…
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being inexperienced (we’ve all been there). Unless it shows up in your story in a way that detracts from it […]