
Category : EVENT

Never Born Dance Film


This project has been possible thanks to the earnings obtained mainly through the crowdfunding campaign that we promoted last summer on the ulule.com platform and other small contributions that have also come out of that campaign and, until the closure of the project, we hope they continue flowing. The amount collected at present day is 2650 euros. That allow us to carry out the work. However, we continue trying to increase this income, especially to improve some technical issues of filming and […]

Never Born Dance Film


Este proyecto ha sido posible gracias a la recaudación conseguida principalmente a través de la campaña de crowdfunding que impulsamos el pasado verano en la plataforma ulule.com y a otras pequeñas aportaciones que han ido llegado también fuera de dicha campaña y que, hasta la culminación del proyecto, esperamos sigan afluyendo. La cantidad recaudada a día de hoy asciende a 2650 euros que nos permiten realizar el trabajo. No obstante, seguimos tratando de aumentar esta cifra, sobre todo para mejorar algunas […]

Carlos Rodero organise Physical on Stage


PHYSICAL on STAGE is an introduction to the use of Physical Theatre techniques focused on performers —both dancers and actors— who aspire to transgress the definition of the conventional performance and get into the field of experimentation.

Audition Circular Ruins


We are planning a research through contemporary dance & physical theatre languages in order to achieve a powerful proposal not text-based, although word might come up during the performance. We will build the show in at least three phases […]

The dance company otra danza visit Budapest


Spanish Contemporary Dance Company Otra Danza visits Budapest Otra Danza: Polvo/Dust (ES) Bakelit Multi Art Center, Stúdió 1095 Budapest, Soroksári út 164. XVIII.sz. Épület MÁJ. 16 | Kedd 20:00 Az Otra Danza az a platform, amely a tánc iránti szenvedélyből született, és azóta is ez az odaadás határozza meg létezését. Direction and Choreography Asun Noales Assistant Carmela García | Kike Guerrero Dancers Saray Huertas | Asun Noales | Salvador Rocher | Sebastian Rowinsky Lightning Design Asun Noales | Richard Cano Photography […]

the mecanisms of fiction


FICTION is always present in our daily lives. Whether as simple users or because in our professions could become a useful tool or because some of us work directly with it, all of us enjoy it, create it, try to shape it with artistic intention, in some way. Fiction is one of the of most important elements in each and every one of us schedule throughout life. Either in an active or in a passive way, we all are connected with fiction […]

Un taller organizado por MISERO PROSPERO


Taller creativo para estimular la imaginación y dar pautas para una posible metodología a todos aquellos que por su trabajo o dedicación están en contacto permanente con la ficción. A través de una serie de ejercicios prácticos y puestas en común grupales nos acercaremos a un sinfín de temas y prácticas relacionadas con…


Doña Rosita ha envejecido, qué duda cabe. Eso sí, ha envejecido dignamente. Ante la mirada hierática de la monarquía española, desde un atril cimentado sobre una larga carrera de éxitos notables, la reina madre del teatro nos habla, hermanando a Lorca y a Shakespeare, que por un momento tendrán la misma voz. Un rey la mira mientras piensa en qué bien le ha quedado eso de vamos a mantener alejada la política de la cultura. Una reina la mira, pero […]

Paloma Hurtado danza

SZINTÉZIS [Paloma Hurtado]

I assume this day that I was born in a farewell age, that my first steps were the final steps of an outstanding person, that plain things -those plain things- are so necessary… I comprehend spiritual purity lives and breathes and you, my mother, my sister, my daughter, my friend, my lover, my soul mate, you are the PEACE BIRD, Paloma […]
